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Document Details :

Title: The Crucified Bridegroom and His Bleeding Daughter
Subtitle: Reflections on the Narrative Logic of Matt 9,9-26
Author(s): WILSON, Walter T.
Journal: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
Volume: 89    Issue: 4   Date: 2013   
Pages: 323-343
DOI: 10.2143/ETL.89.4.3011222

Abstract :
In Matthew’s version of the story of the official’s daughter and the woman with the flow of blood (9,18-26), the woman signifies aspects of transformation associated with Jesus insofar as the blood pouring out of her body mirrors the blood pouring out of his body on the cross. This signification is conveyed through the story’s juxtaposition with the imagery of wine pouring out of a ruptured wineskin (9,17), which in turn both augments imagery depicting Jesus’ violent death (9,15-16) and anticipates the imagery of wine being poured out at the Last Supper (26,28). This perspective sheds light on the narrative function of 9,20-22 as an inserted story and on why for Matthew it is the woman and not the daughter who signifies what it means to be 'saved' by Jesus.

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