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Document Details :

Title: Ehe und Familie zwischen Idealisierung, Geringschätzung und Alltagswirklichkeit
Subtitle: Ansätze zu einem neuen theologischen Verständnis der Vielfalt der Lebensformen
Author(s): KLEIN, Stephanie
Journal: Marriage, Families & Spirituality
Volume: 18    Issue: 2   Date: 2012   
Pages: 134-146
DOI: 10.2143/INT.18.2.2963263

Abstract :
Couples and families are now living in many different forms of partnership and family. The Catholic doctrine extols sacramental marriage and derives from this concept the ideal model of the family. Other life forms are considered a pastoral problem. Many people living in 'alternative' family constellations feel marginalized by the Church. These families live and develop their own forms of religion, they hand down religious practices but not church affiliation. In its history, the Church has idealized marriage, but at the same time rated celibate life for the sake of the Kingdom of heaven higher. Focusing on the parish as the place par excellence where the faith is lived and takes shape left the family appear to be profane. Starting points to better integrate the diversity of family forms theologically can be found in the theology of baptism, the house church topos, and the conceptualization of church practice in the models of the three offices (king, prophet, priest) and of the three basic faith practices of martyria, diakonia, and liturgia.

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