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Document Details :

Title: The Late Chalcolithic Settlement of Barcin Höyük
Author(s): GERRITSEN, Fokke , ÖZBAL, Rana , THISSEN, Laurens , ÖZBAL, Hadi , GALIK, Alfred
Journal: Anatolica
Volume: 36    Date: 2010   
Pages: 197-225
DOI: 10.2143/ANA.36.0.2049243

Abstract :
This report presents the Late Chalcolithic levels at Barcin Höyük, located in the Yenisehir Basin in the eastern part of the province of Bursa. Excavations began in 2005 and earlier reports have appeared in this journal and elsewhere. The Barcin Höyük Excavations take place in the context of the long-term regional research project ‘Early Farming Communities in the Eastern Marmara Region’, carried out by the Netherlands Institute for the Near East and the Netherlands Institute in Turkey.

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