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Document Details :

Title: Ruperts von Deutz Befreiung von den Vätern
Subtitle: Schrifthermeneutik zwischen Autoritäten und intellektueller Kreativität
Author(s): MEIER, Christel
Journal: Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales
Volume: 73    Issue: 2   Date: 2006   
Pages: 257-289
DOI: 10.2143/RTPM.73.2.2017916

Abstract :
For Rupert von Deutz, who is the first and fundamental innovative exegete of the Bible in the 12th century, the essay tries to describe his emancipation from the tradition and his new visionary theology with the help of theoretical statements, images and quotations of the Bible, which legitimate his own effort. Those quotations which are preferred by Rupert put especially an emphasis on the idea of inspiration (Jac. 1,17). As a consequence for the opus there is an autonomy in form and content compared to the tradition (the fathers) in new techniques concerning composition and exegetical connotations of interpretation as well as in new definitely mystical ideas in the late opus.

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