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Document Details :

Title: Archeologie
Journal: Bibliotheca Orientalis
Volume: 57    Issue: 5-6   Date: september - december 2000   
Pages: 691-720
DOI: 10.2143/BIOR.57.5.2015798

Abstract :
POSTGATE, Carolyn, David OATES, Joan OATES — The Excavation at Tell al-Rimah. The Pottery. Aris & Phillips Ltd., Wiltshire, 1998.

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NIKLASSON, Karin H. (ed.) — Cypriote Archaeology in Göteborg. Papers presented at a Symposium on Cypriote Archaeology held in Göteborg 20 May 1998. Paul Aström's Förlag, Partille, 1999.

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FUSSMAN, Gérard und Ditte KÖNIG — Die Felsbildstation Shatial. (Materialien zur Archäologie der Nordgebiete Pakistans, Band 2). Philipp von Zabern GmbH, Mainz am Rhein, 1997.

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